Manas Bulvarı No: 89/1 Bornova/İzmir
0 (232) 435 9561
0 (232) 435 9509
It is obtained by adding colorants to the glass paste during production. Egecam can produce insulating unit, laminated glass, tempered glass, enamel painted glass, convex glass, coated glass mirror by making secondary operations on colored flat glass products.
From green, blue, smoky bronze paste,
Colored glass is available in our stocks.
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We are very much looking forward to getting to know you and discussing your project in more detail.
Speak very soon, The EGECAM Sanayi İç ve Dış Ticaret Team
Manas Bulvarı No: 89/1 Bornova/İzmir
Phone 0 (232) 435 9561